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Jyothish: Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a beautiful way to understand your soul's journey through time. Your natal chart is unique to you! It is a snapshot of the celestial sphere at the time of your birth and gives us a glimpse into your gifts and your soul's journey through time. 

A reading is a wonderful way to gain clarity, understanding and guidance about how to navigate the current times from a place of empowerment and ease. 

Horoscope Astrology Zodiac Horoscope Zodiac Fortune Sign Myth Stars Symbol , Traditional.j

Deluxe Reading

This is a multi-session reading. 

The first session is 90 minutes. Anjali will go over your natal chart (your sun, moon, rising sign, houses,) as well as look at how the celestial sphere is impacting your currently (your dasha period and relevant transits). If there is a specific area of your life you are intersted in knowing about she can focus the reading on that area. 


During the reading Anjali will also give you a yogic practice that will be supportive in navigating the current cycle you are in with more ease. This practice could be a yoga asana, mantra, breath practice or kriya that you practice for 21 days. 


The second sessionis a 60 minute session where Anjali can answer questions, go deeper into your chart, focus more on current times and share additional practices with you. 


You can schedule the follow up sessions anywhere from 1 month to 6 months after the 1st session. 



Full Reading  

In this 75 minute reading Anjali will go over your natal chart with you and share with you how the current celestial shphere is impacting you. 

During the reading Anjali will also give you a yogic practice that will be supportive in navigating the current cycle you are in with more ease. This practice could be a yoga asana, mantra, breath practice or kriya.



Book of the universe - opened magic book with planets and galaxies. Elements of this image

Intro-Reading or 
Follow up/Transit Reading

Intro: An introduction to your natal chart where you will receive your sun, moon and rising signs. You will also receive your current Dasha period.


Follow Up Transit: This is for clients who already had a full reading and want a follow up session for further clarification, questions about a speciic area of life, current transits or upayas (practices).

45-60 minutes




You know your truth -

I support you in finding the courage to step into it! 

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