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How a Custom Mala + Japa Practice Can Infuse Your Life with Magic

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

I love creating custom malas for people. Not only do I find the practice joyful, but it is so fulfilling to see how the magic of these malas unfold for people.

When someone orders a mala from me, I usually intuitively have a feeling of what I should make for them. But I do also spend a few minutes talking with them about what is going on in their life, what energy they want to align to, or what they want to create.

Stones carry different meanings/energy, so I choose stones that will match what they are wanting to work on. After that, I make a few different designs and send the mala seeker a photo of the design, prior to stringing the mala, to make sure it resonates.

I then chant mantra as I tie each knot because it infuses the mala with the energy of the mantra. For example, if the person is wanting to align to abundance, I would perhaps chant a Lakshmi mantra ~ as the goddess Lakshmi is associated with abundance, prosperity and many other beautiful qualities.

After I send the mala, I offer a free session where I teach the mala seeker how to use it to meditate with a personal mantra ~ this is called japa mala meditation ~ because I really want people to know how to use their mala and experience the magic that it can hold.

And here is some more magic that happens... I usually always have a Mantra in mind for the mala seeker prior to our meeting, and then once they tell me what’s happening in their life, it always seems to match! I just love it!

In my own experience, I have found the practice very beneficial for me in terms of releasing negative thoughts. We all have repetitive thoughts that may not serve us, and when we bring in conscious mantra we can begin to create a different pattern in our brain.

So instead of fighting our thoughts, which doesn’t really work, we bring in a mantra and the thought patterns will start to shift. It will show up in your energy and your vibration as well.

For example, many people have negative (unconscious or conscious) thoughts, like “I am not loveable.” When we try to combat that thought by saying “I am loveable,” we usually end up having a battle in our mind because we don’t believe it ~ we will find evidence, such as “I am single, so that must prove I’m not lovable." The mind can be kind of funny like that.

But when you start to use a sanskrit mantra, you start to align to the state of deep love, then start to experience it ~ and that's when a shift happens ~ because it’s not only on the level of thought, it’s in your experience. And that is when true learning occurs, when we have an experience of something.

Here is a recent note I received that touched my heart!

"My Mala has helped me show up for my meditation. It is the perfect amount of time and I like the freedom of not needed to set a timer. Meditation is a struggle for me to show up for but since you made my Mala I have yet to miss a morning. It is how I start each day. Instead of reaching for my phone when I wake up I reach for my Mala. It has been a priceless change for the better. Thank you, Anjali!" ~Sarah M., E-RYT 200

If you are interested in diving into a personalized japa practice supercharged by the magic of a mala, send me an email or visit my website. It would be my supreme honor to work with you!

all my love,


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