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8-week Women's Group


2020 has been a year of many changes - some have thrived, others have struggled and many have felt somewhere in between.

 One thing that has become crystal clear for me during this year is how important connection is...

I created this group so that we could come together and.....


Step into 2021 feeling uplifted, empowered, clear and at peace!

The next group begins in January 2021


*CE's available for yoga teachers


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This group is for you if:

  • you want to step into self-respect, compassion and empowerment (a sacred connection to self)

  • you want shift your connection to others 

  • you want to create a business or “go for it” in your current business

  • you want to let go of an addictive pattern that is keeping you stuck

  • you want to move forward in using your authentic voice and living your truth 

  • you want to let go of self-hatred, self-doubt and self-sabotage

  • you are ready to strengthen your intuition and connection to the divine

  • you want to commit to a daily spiritual practice

  • you are craving community, support, encouragement and love

  • you are ready to step into the goddess that you already are!!!!

I have worked with many women over the last 30 years and what I have noticed is this: 

  • women often know the changes they need to make, but hold themselves back becasue of fear, past trauma, and/or doubt. 

  • the focus on  “fixing” self is prevelant and blocks self-compassion

  • taking care of others, and shoving one’s needs to the background prevents change


This is a group that will empower you to own the Amazing Goddess that you are! The aim is for you to step more fully into self-compassion and inner stability so that you can create a life that feels full, alive, and in alignment with who you are!


You will spend 8 weeks dedicated to YOU! And you will have a whole tribe, including me, standing beside you, supporting you, no matter what!!!!





1. 8 Meetings: Wednesday's 6-9 pm PST (ONLINE OR IN PERSON)

*Half the time will be used to practice the healing techniques of Sattva yoga (Himalayan Kriya, breathwork, mantra and meditation) and the other half will be used for lecture and discussion.


The topics we will explore include:

  • Sacred connection to self and other

  • The drama triangle: understanding what this is, how this impacts your life and how to break free so that you can live a life of Dharma (a life that is in alignment with your truth and heart)

  • The stages of womanhood: owning your womanhood and valuing where you have been, where you are and what you are stepping into

  • Internalized self - what is ruling you (your child, your teenager or your wise woman)

  • The impact of trauma, breaking free, and how spirituality can help heal


*If you need to miss a Wednesday, the meeting will be recorded so you can do at a later time. 

*All of the practices will be recorded so that you can do the practice again if you would like. 


2. DAILY BREATH SET AND MEDITATION: This will be recorded on a video so that you can do at a time that works for you. 


3. FINAL GRADUATION GIFT AND PRACTICE TO CARRY FORWARD WITH YOU: working with either the energy of Kali or Lacksmi


4. ONE PRIVATE 45 minute session with Anjali


Bring a water bottle, journal, pen, yoga mat and meditation cushion to the meetings. 




*payment plans available

*partial scholarships available for those in need (Message me for application)


Reserve My Spot
Message Anjali with Questions
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