If you are craving a deeper knowledge of yoga, yourself, and how you can tap into the way you are meant to share in this world join us!!!
Beyond The Asana
100 Hour Training....
for yoga teachers, healers,
anyone who wants to
transform their life through
the subtle body practices
of yoga & meditation
Dates and Times:
April 30-May2
May 14-16
May 28-30
Friday's 5:30-8:30, Saturday and Sunday 8-5
June 26-27
July 10-11
Saturday and Sunday 8-5
*offered in person or online
Program also includes:
*Video Practices
*2 private sessions with Anjali
*Online morning practice once/week
(30 minute Sadhana)
*Wednesday evening classes 6-7:15 pm (optional)
$250 to Reserve Your Spot

In this program you will learn how to practice and teach:
And the WHY behind
these practices!
Himalayan Kriya: Repetitive breath and mantra which create shifts in energy, the mind and the subtle body
Meditation: Stilling the mind and cultivating the capacity to be with the self and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Pranayama: Breath practices for transformation and healing.
Mantra: Sound vibration using your voice
*if you are an asana teacher you will learn how to incorporate these elements into your classes
*we will be doing asana in the training as a part of our practices - but those parts aren't the primary focus of the training

"I find kriyas, thus far, the most exciting component of my practice. They are truly liberating! You have opened up a world of possibilities to my yoga practice. I am blessed for knowing you!" -Luis R.
“Anjali is a masterful teacher and her program takes students to a level they may have never thought possible.” – Barbara R.
"Energy broke open over this weekend and I am just flowing these classes and integrating Kriya with ease. I know I have a lot of practice to do, but so excited!!! Thank you again for a weekend of freedom and empowerment" - Jenn F
*Dr. Anjali has traveled to the Himalayas in India multiple times since 2014 to study these techniques and has integrated these sacred yogic techniques into her teaching and own personal Sadhana since that time. She believes the most powerful teaching comes from one's experience-so get ready to practice, teach, share, grow and thrive with us this Spring! If your heart is whispering "yes", you are ready!
Japa Mala
Breath Meditation
Mantra Meditation
Kriya Meditation
Grounding breath practices
Energizing breath practices
Calming breath practices
Breath practices to awaken consciousness
Cleansing breath practices
Seated and standing breath practices
Meditative Kriyas
Mantra Kriyas
Breath-base Kriyas
*You will also learn Kriya sets (how to combine the individual kriyas to align to things such as empowerment, peace, ease, and joy)

You will also learn about all of the following and how they are related to breath, mantra, kriya and meditation....
Prana Vayus
Kundalini energy
Yogic Deities
The Brain
The Nervous system and trauma response
The Nature of the Mind
8 Limb Path of yoga
History of Yoga
States of Consciousness
Flow State
How to set up a sacred space
Your Teacher:
Anjali is a psychologist and yoga teacher who has been teaching for 12 years and teaching the Himalayan practices for 7. It's her mission to bring these life transforming practices to life in the States. This will be the 13th YTT that she has led and she cannot wait to connect with you!

You will also learn about YOURSELF as a
How to hold space for students and manage your energy and ground yourself.
Explore and awaken your unique gifts as a teacher and your edges
How to teach private clients and groups.
Understanding your Karma, Dharma & Your Path
Yoga as an evolutionary tool (off the mat)
Opening to your unique way of sharing the practices.
Learning format: Discussion, Writing & Self Reflection. In-vivo teaching.
Guest teacher:
Padma DIamond, MA, Somatic therapist and kundalini yoga teacher will be coming to share on trauma, the nervous system and the research behind the practices of breathwork, kriya and mantra and why they are so healing.
Dates and Times:
April 30-May2
May 14-16
May 28-30
Friday's 5:30-8:30, Saturday and Sunday 8-5
June 26-27
July 10-11
Saturday and Sunday 8-5
*offered in person or online
Program also includes:
*Video Practices
*2 private sessions with Anjali
*Online morning practice once/week
(30 minute Sadhana)
*Wednesday evening classes 6-7:15 pm (optional)
$250 Deposit to reserve your spot
*No refunds on this training or on the deposit
*However, if you place a deposit down and an emergency comes up where you can't do the training you can apply your deposit to another program with Anjali